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-  A story with a rich heritage  -

There are stories we like to dream of, stories we like to tell and stories we like to hear. There are also stories from the past, famous stories or stories almost forgotten. There are unusual stories, strange stories and amazing stories that move you. And then, there is the story of this little knife decorated with beautiful lace, a knife which tells in its own way the history of its town, its harbour, and its people.

This story is the story of Calais.

Created and designed by Franck Ackermann in April 2016 and completed in May, the knife's prototype was presented to the media in December of the same year before being given to the mayor of the town in February 2017. Discovering here a new opportunity to enhance the image of the town, the Mayor of Calais ordered 130 knives in April 2017 with the will to encourage this initiative and the wish to export the product.

''Le Calaisien®'' is officially recognised.

Neither too large nor too small, the general shape of the ''Le Calaisien®'' knife, whether pocket or table, in the open position, is reminiscent of a small, thin fish. In a closed position, its shape recalls a small shell such as that of a mussel or sea knife found on the beaches along the coast of North of France.

The blade symbolizes the sea, fishing, maritime culture and traditions, the district of « Courgain Maritime », the city of Calais, the English territory.

The handle, whether by the lace or the wood, symbolises the land, the French territory, the city of Saint Pierre and its industry, the historical heritage and its cultural wealth.

The peculiarities of the knife are the both parallel lines (copyrighted model), as well as a fixed stop which prevents the blade from spoilling against the spring in the closed position.

Much more than a luxury product in the realm of Table Arts, Gastronomy, and French-style Bien Vivre, ''Le Calaisien®'' is indisputably the symbol of an entire city, with the aim of conveying the image of Calaisian know-how in France and internationally.

Arousing keen interest in the world's media and luxury professionals, The "Le Calaisen®" knife is also present on many world-renowned tables, whether in starred restaurants or on the tables of the Heads of State and Government.

Calais deserved its knife and now it's done!

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